Key takeaways from SETAC 2024 Seville

The 34th annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe concluded last week, and we were privileged to attend once more. As a company specialised in monitoring antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the environment, we are somewhat unique at SETAC conferences. Nevertheless, our presence there is crucial, and this year, the importance of our attendance was clearer than ever. Below are our three main takeaways which illustrate why it was so essential for us to be there:
- AMR is increasingly recognised beyond the fields of clinical microbiology & healthcare
In previous years, we often arrived at conferences armed with an educational mindset to explain the fundamentals of One Health and how the environment is connected to antimicrobial resistance. This year, however, we were delighted to find that many engineers, chemists, and biologists already possess a solid understanding of AMR and its implications within their fields. Consequently, our discussions could swiftly focus on actionable steps rather than introductory information, leading seamlessly into the next topic. - Discussions in the EU on new Urban Wastewater regulations are having a ripple effect
As the new EU Urban Wastewater regulations have started to incorporate AMR as one of emerging pollutants to be monitored, early adopters who closely monitor industry regulatory developments are also beginning to ask the important questions like “how, when and where” in anticipation. These discussions send positive signals that suggest to others in the field that AMR is indeed a critical and emerging pollutant that needs immediate attention. - People are seeking action
Practical applications and urgency underpin most of our interactions, with many wanting to connect us to colleagues working on the challenge of environmental AMR monitoring and seeking an understanding of their operational impacts on the situation. Action is in the air, and indeed it's time for it - in fact, action should have been taken yesterday.
This sense of urgency for change has sparked some of the most intriguing discussions we've had about the growing momentum to update pollutant monitoring. The scale and complexity of pollution in our environment today is far greater than it was 50 years ago, requiring us to refine our methodologies and redefine what we are searching for. In relation to AMR, implementing monitoring faces a significant "laboratory wall" requiring substantial investments and resources. This is where Resistomap comes in. Our services provide end-to-end monitoring of AMR from environmental samples.
"Monitoring today enables impactful action for human, animal, and environmental health of tomorrow"
Contact us if you would like to know how our services can be implemented in your field of work.
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