Food Safety
Monitoring antibiotic resistance for food safety

The problem
Food safety - Monitoring within global food chains
By surveilling antibiotic resistance genes in internationally traded food, companies and governments can take proactive measures to mitigate the potential risk of facilitating the global spread of antibiotic resistance. Such proactive actions align exceptionally well with international commitments to corporate responsibility, demonstrating dedication to health and safety standards on a global scale.
Many countries are strengthening regulations related to antibiotic resistance in food. Implementing a monitoring program not only ensures compliance with existing regulations but also positions organisations ahead of coming global standards. This proactive stance could potentially facilitate smooth market access and trade relationships, avoiding potential disruptions in international commerce in case of future antibiotic resistance outbreaks or regulatory changes.
The WHO has estimated that each year unsafe food causes 600 million cases of foodborne diseases globally, and 420 000 deaths.
In some regions, the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals is four times higher than in humans. It's often used for growth rather than treating sick animals (WHO).
How we can help
Understand gene transmission
Understanding the various potential points of contamination within the food chain is essential, as they may not be immediately obvious. Genetic material can be exchanged between bacteria in different environmental, animal, or human settings. For example, manure and sludge used as fertilizer in farms could potentially introduce unnoticed antibiotic resistance unless thorough monitoring and routine analyses are conducted.

Monitor AMR in food
Our upcoming database expansion aims to enable companies and governments to gather data to investigate the presence of pathogens and levels of antibiotic resistance in foodstuffs. By comparing data between types of product and areas of origin, the knowledge can over time provide a basis for early warnings to potentially prevent risks of exposure to increases in transferable resistance genes and pathogens.
Investing in the future
Investing in surveillance can prove to be a sound financial decision when compared with dealing with potential emergencies or non-compliance issues down the line. Preventing antibiotic resistance not only makes economic and ethical sense but also demonstrates commitment to proactive planning and risk management, thus helping prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance and reducing its impact on public health.
Better practice
Enhance food quality best practices by screening import and export products for antimicrobial resistance.
Implement an early detection system through regular monitoring of AMR patterns, to prevent the emergence of hotspots.
Results presentation
Access and compare your results on our user-friendly intelligence platform, interactive and visual.
Beyond more direct implications for food production and food safety, AMR threatens the livelihoods of millions who raise animals for subsistence. It is estimated that in just ten years’ time, 24 million more people may be forced into extreme poverty as a result of AMR, many of whom are in low-income countries- increasing the number of people going hungry and suffering from malnutrition.
Monitor antibiotic resistance today and make an impact on tomorrow
Contact us to consult how our services can benefit your organisation